ak de ics

Notapor Greg el Vie Ago 25, 2006 5:52 pm


Que noble... :love:
"Glorious are the Ori, who lead us to salvation, who did fight the evil that would doom us all to mortal sin. Did they defeat the old spirits and cast them out? And now, with the strength of our will, they do call upon us to prevail against the corruption of all unbelievers."
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Mensajes: 2249
Registrado: Dom Oct 16, 2005 8:47 pm
Ubicación: Барселона

Notapor Greg el Dom Ago 27, 2006 7:20 pm

La verdad el de G&G no esta nada mal tampoco y pese a ser mas "comercial" y llevar una horrible culata NATO (algo mas larga y que cabe dentro una bateria de 9.6V), no me joderia tanto que se me rompiera o le pasara cualquier extraña circustacia como con un kit guarder de mas de 1000$, que a segun que sitios no me atreveria a llevarlo.
Review RK-104 Airsoft Extreme
"Glorious are the Ori, who lead us to salvation, who did fight the evil that would doom us all to mortal sin. Did they defeat the old spirits and cast them out? And now, with the strength of our will, they do call upon us to prevail against the corruption of all unbelievers."
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Mensajes: 2249
Registrado: Dom Oct 16, 2005 8:47 pm
Ubicación: Барселона

Notapor MAX el Lun Ago 28, 2006 3:47 pm

A mi de modernas, me tira mas la Ak 74S con lanzapiñas con esa culata mmm.
ese seria mi ideal de look alahh pal bar!
el infierno es la imposibilidad de la razon
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Mensajes: 447
Registrado: Lun Oct 17, 2005 7:54 pm
Ubicación: Vilafranca=Saigón


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